
Corinthian Classic = Classic Fiberglass
Posted On: July 14, 2016
When builders began working with Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) as a material, they were well aware that they were building something to last. What has transpired is that many of those yachts have been around for so many decades that their designs have in fact become "classic". The Corinthian Classic Yacht Regatta continues to encourage and welcome Classic GRP (Classic Plastic) boats designed to the CCA rule to participate. The Corinthian Yacht Club of Marblehead, MA is proud to announce the 2016 Corinthian Classic Yacht Regatta presented by Officine Panerai. This year’s Corinthian Classic will be held August 13th & 13th.
A good regatta happens on and off the water and you can expect that the Corinthian Yacht Club along with Panerai will put on a good show. There will be a cocktail reception during registration Friday evening; cocktails, dinner, music and fun Saturday evening, and of course, more beverages and trophies after racing Sunday This is an event you don’t want to skip. It’s time to register for the best sailing you’ll do all summer. The racing will be "low key" but it is an excellent opportunity to stretch your sea legs, put your beautiful boat on display, and mingle with those who share your passion. For more information and to register, visit our website , or email or Quick Links: |