
2021 CRF Certificates Required
Posted On: March 25, 2021
Greetings, Corinthian Classic participants!
This years edition of the Corinthian Classic Yacht Regatta will be conducted under CRF ratings.
In order to ensure fair sailing, the CRF group is now requiring new certificates every year. Please note that all competitors will need a new or updated 2021 CRF rating to compete in the Classic Yacht Challenge Series.
A 2021 CRF rating certificate is required for CCYR eligibility this season.
For additional information on the CRF Rating Certificate please refer to the FAQ section on the CRF website or here:
To renew or start a new registration please navigate here:
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: Bruce Dyson – 617-285-1182 or Timmy Dittrich – 781-248-3836.